Underdog! Wherigo Cache
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The cache is not at the listed
coordinates, but they will lead you to a good place to park and
start the cartridge.
There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!
When criminals in this world appear,
And break the laws that they should fear,
And frighten all who see or hear,
The cry goes up both far and near
For Underdog!
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder,
Fighting all who rob or plunder.
Underdog! Underdog!
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a frog! A
Not bird nor plane, nor even frog. It's just little old me,
Simon says: Go fish!
Deep in his sinister laboratory, Simon Bar Sinister has invented a
sinister device. It is a ray gun that will turn people into fish!
Unless everyone agrees to make him dictator of the world he will
use his ray gun to turn everyone who opposes him into a fish!
Ace TV reporter Sweet Polly Purebred has uncovered Simon's plot.
Only Underdog can stop him! But where is Underdog? Will he be in
time to save the world from Simon's evil plot? Who knows what
danger lies ahead?
You must find Underdog and help him stop Simon from taking over the
Download the wherigo cartridge before you go. Park at the
above coordinates and start playing. Good luck, and try not to get
turned into a trout.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)