Riverside carbarn Traditional Cache
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The museum will reopen Saturday May 1st 2010.
A camouflaged magnetic keyholder on the front of Riverside Carbarn, inside the grounds of the Seashore Trolley Museum. This cache is available during the public hours of the museum. Check the website at trolleymuseum.org for information on hours, etc. Log only, no room for trading items. It is in a rather busy area, use stealth.
Since this cache is on the front of Riverside carbarn it is easy to get to, whether or not it is open. Riverside carbarn is a storage and display barn usually open to the public. It is easily reached by walking or by antique streetcar from the visitors center. If you take the streetcar get off at Morrison Hill station. It has many trolleys and interurbans on display, and there are plaques describing them.
One of the Museum's newest restored cars, # 1227 from Cleveland, Ohio is currently stored there. It was under restoration for 30 years.
Here is a link to "Dave's Rail Pix" photos of Cleveland streetcars:
(visit link)
Another of the cars on display in the barn is interurban Chicago Aurora and Elgin #434. Check the gallery for a map of the CA&E. Thanks to Wikipedia for the map.
Dave's Rail Pix site for CA&E. # 429 and #430 are of the same series as 434:
(visit link)
There are presently 3 caches at the museum, One outside the grounds, and 2 inside, and they are all in the public areas.
Seashore is a very kid-friendly, family friendly place with picnic tables and much to see, and of course the trolley ride. Some of the cars are over 100 years old. Plan on spending a good part of the day and pick up 3 caches while you are there. I have plans for one at Talbot Park but I still am trying to work that out with the operating department. It may be the only cache anywhere that can only be reached by trolley.
The board of trustees of the museum have kindly granted me permission to place geocaches within the property.
FTF gets an 8 X 10 photo of A Wheeling curved-sider, sister to our brand-newly restored # 639. Instructions in the cache.
Congratulations to tugwake on the FTF!!
Additional Hints
Ybbxf yvxr vg orybatf, ernpu hc.