Nice View - Lipno Multi-Cache
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Jednozastávková multikeška s výhledem na Lipno.
One stop multicache with view on Lipno.
Souradnice vás zavedou na vrchol kopce k domecku vodárny. Otevre se vám nádherný výhled na cást Lipna, preferovanou winsurfery pro svoje optimální podmínky k plachtení. Vedle dverí do domecku je tabule. Pocet vsech samohlasek na tabuli je dvojciferne cislo X. Pocet vsech cifer na tabuli je dvouciferne cislo Y. Kontrolní soucet je X+Y=72.
Coordinates will lead you to top of the hill to the water station. You will see beautiful view on part of Lipno lake, prefered by windsurfers for the optimal condition for sailing. There is board beside the door. Number of all vowels on the board is two digit number X. Number all the digits on the board is two digit number Y. Check sum of both numbers is X+Y=72.
Finálovku pak naleznete nedaleko na souradnicích:
Final cache is near on coordinates:
N 48 43.(8*Y+X+18)
E 14 05.(10*X+Y+79)
Additional Hints
Zrge anq mrzí. Mryraá zrmv oíybh.
Zrgre nobir gur tebhaq. Terra orgjrra juvgr.