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Welcome to Ljubljana 1.1 (Last edit 20140325) Multi-cache

This cache has been archived.

NKMV Team: Since the final location has changed a lot and it is much more open now, the box is more visible. We tried to place it again in the same spot, but it was gone after a week. With two kids we do not have the energy and time to create and search a new final location. For the joy of the people who are requesting the archival we have decided that it's time to do it.

Hidden : 7/29/2007
1.5 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

This multicache will guide you around the town on a sight-seeing tour. You will see the Roman ruins, some places connected to the biggest Slovenian poet France Prešeren and finish the tour with a micro cache. The cache is located in the center of Ljubljana and we tried to plan the route in a suitable way also for people on a wheelchair. If we didn't make it please write us about the changes. The tour will take about 2 hours and some humour when solving it.

We wish to thank everyone who helped us make this cache better and let us correct the errors.

Write down all the data of the solutions, you will need them at a later stage.
Vse podatke si zapišite, rabili vam bodo kasneje.

I. tocka
Naš izlet se začne na Čevljarskem mostu. Most je dobil ime po čevljarjih katerim so na njem postavili kolibe. V letu 1867 so tedanji most zamenjali z železnim, kasneje pa ga prenovili po Plečnikovih načrtih. Večkrat so na njem uprizorjene predstave in razne prireditve, ob nedeljah pa so na njem in v njegovi bližini stojnice.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 03.ABC E14° 30.DEF
A= število obeliskov na mostu
B= obrnjeni proti gradu, preštejte stebre na levi strani mosta
C= še vedno obrnjeni proti gradu – na levi je Cankarjevo nabrežje, na desni pa ??? nabrežje. Preštejte črke imena.
D= število luči na desni strani na stebru na sredini mosta
E= število luči na levi strani na stebru na sredini mosta
F= preštejte vse stebre na desni strani mosta

Our tour starts on the Čevljarski most. The bridge got it's name after the shoemakers (čevljarji) that had their shops on it. In 1867 the bridge was substituted wit an iron one and later renewed after the blueprints of the architect Jože Plečnik. On the bridge there are sometimes performances and shows, while on Sundays an antiquity and book market is held.

Next coordinates N46° 03.ABC E14° 30.DEF
A= the number of obelisks on the bridge
B= turned facing to the castle, count the columns on the left part of the bridge
C= still facing the same direction – on the left there is the Cankarjevo nabrežje, while on the right the ??? nabrežje. Count the letters in the name
D= the number of lights on the right on the column in the middle of the bridge
E= the number of lights on the left on the column in the middle of the bridge
F= count the columns on the right of the bridge

II. točka
Prešernov trg je bil že v srednjem veku pomemben prostor za trgovanje. Današnjo podobo s pesnikovim kipom in Tromostovjem pa je dobil šele leta 1931, ko je Plečnik dodal dva poševna kraka prejšnjemu kamnitemu mostu iz leta 1842. Na danih koordinatah je doprsni kip Prešernove ljubezni – Primicove Julije.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 03.A(B-C)D E14° 30.EF0
Na portalu pod Julijinim kipom je letnica ABCD.
E= število pravih oken v višini Julijinega kipa
F= število nadstropij, ki imajo okna

The Prešernov trg – Prešeren square was an important marketplace already in the Middle ages. It got it's today appearance with the poets statue and the Tromostovje bridge in 1931, when Plecnik added two small pedestrian bridges to the original stone bridge from 1842. At the coordinates you will see a statue of Prešeren's love and inspiring muse Primicova Julija.

Next coordinates N46° 03.A(B-C)D E14° 30.EF0
On the portal under Julija's statue you will see a year ABCD.
E= the number of true windows on the same level as the statue depicting Julija
F= the number of stories with windows

III. tocka
Zmajski most so ob odprtju imenovali „Jubilejni“, zato tudi na njem stojita letnici vladanja cesarja Franca Jožefa. „Zmajski“ pa je postal zaradi zmajev, ki ga krasijo. Ta mitološka zver je tudi simbol Ljubljane in stoji zato v njenem mestnem grbu.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 03.(B-D)(B-F)(G-H) E14° 30.(H-C)(H-C-A-E)(D-F)
Poglejte letnici vladanja cesarja Franca Jožefa zapisani na zmajskem mostu v obliki ABCD EFGH

The Zmajski most was named “Jubiljeni” when it was opened, on it are the years when emperor Franz Joseph ruled. It was later named “Zmajski” after the dragons that ornate it. The Dragon (Zmaj) is also the symbol of Ljubljana and so it is also in the town crest.

Next coordinates N46° 03.(B-D)(B-F)(G-H) E14° 30.(H-C)(H-C-A-E)(D-F)
Note the years written on the bridge marking the time emperor Franz Joseph ruled ABCD EFGH

IV. točka
Mestni trg je eden izmed treh pomembnih srednjeveških trgov. Danes ima baročno podobo. Najzanimivejša objekta sta Vodnjak treh kranjskih rek (Robbov vodnjak) in Mestna hiša, ki je sedanji izgled dobila leta 1718. Vodnjak iz leta 1751 predstavlja reke Krko, Savo in Ljubljanico. Pred kratkim so vodnjak zamenjali s kopijo.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.(A+B)0(A+C) E14° 30.(D:G)0(H:G)
Na mestni hiši je zvonik na katerem sta na levi strani zapisani dve letnici

The Mestni trg – Town square is one of the three important squares from the middle ages. Today it is baroque. The most important points are the Vodnjak treh kranjskih rek (Robbov vodnjak) the Fountain of the three rivers of the Carniola region (1751). The rivers are the Krka, Sava and Ljubljanica. The fountain you will see is a recent copy. The Mestna hiša (Town Hall) got it's appearance in 1718.

Next coordinates N46° 02.(A+B)0(A+C) E14° 30.(D:G)0(H:G)
On the Mestna hiša there is a small bell tower on which on the left side there are two years written

V. točka
To je stičišče med ostalima srednjeveškima trgoma, preko katerih je vodila glavna prometna pot proti Dolenjski. Poseljen pa je bil že pred Kristusom.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.ACA E14° 30.BAA
Najdite Akademijo za glasbo.
A= število oken v zadnjem nadstropju
B= preštejte zamrežena okna v pritličju
C= število oken v pritličju + število balkonov

This is the connection between the other two medieval squares. They led to the main road towards the Dolenjska region. They were inhabited already in pre-Christian times.

Next coordinates N46° 02.ACA E14° 30.BAA
Find the Akademijo za glasbo (Music Academy).
A= number of windows in the last storey
B= number of windows with bars in the ground floor
C= number of windows in the ground floor + number of balconies

VI. točka
France Prešeren (1800-1849) je najpomembnejši slovenski pesnik iz obdobja romantike, pomemben na evropskem nivoju. V tej hiši je živel, ko je spesnil Gazele, Sonete nesreče in Sonetni venec.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.F(A+B)(C+E) E14° 30.(C-A)(D-B)(F-E)
Na hiši stoji spominska plošča. Na njen so zapisana leta med katerimi je Prešeren tam živel.

France Prešeren (1800-1849) is the most important Slovenian poet of the romanticism. He is important also on an European level. He lived in this house when he composed the Gazele, the Soneti nesreče and the Sonetni venec. He is depicted on the Slovenian 2€ coin with some word from his Zdravljica of which the 7th stanza is also the Slovenian anthem.

Next coordinates N46° 02.F(A+B)(C+E) E14° 30.(C-A)(D-B)(F-E)
On the house there is a plaque with the years when Prešeren lived there.

VII. točka
Trnovo, kraj nesrečnega imena!
Tam meni je gorje bilo rojeno
od dveh očesov čistega plamena.

V tem kraju je France Prešeren prvič zagledal Julijo leta 1833. Cerkev sv. Janeza Krstnika z dvema zvonikoma je bila prenovljena leta 1999, za njo stoji hiša v kateri je živel arh. Jože Plečnik. Pri cerkvi so postavili spominsko obeležje slovenskim impresionistom. Groharjev „Sejalec“ je tudi upodobljen na slovenskem kovancu za 0.05€ Trnovo je bilo čolnarsko predmestje z velikim pristanom ob bregu Ljubljanice.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.7BA E14° 29.9C
A= število impresionistov * število kovinskih svetilk ob njih
B= število velikih oken na pročelju cerkve v višini pozlačenega križa
C= število pokončnih lin na pročelju cerkve in zvonikih

Boljša pot - z manj arhitektonskimi ovirami - do naslednje točke je verjetno preko N46° 02.711 E14° 30.035

France Prešeren first met Julija here in 1833. The church of St. John the Baptist has two bell towers and was renewed in 1999. Behind it there is a house in which the architect Jože Plecnik lived. By the church there is a monument to the Slovenian impressionists. The “Sejalec” from Grohar is also on the Slovenian 0.05€ coin. Trnovo was a boatmen suburb with a big port on the Ljubljanica river bank.

Next coordinates N46° 02.7BA E14° 29.9C
A= the number of impressionists * the number of metal lamps on their sides
B= the number of the huge windows at the golden cross level
C= the number of vertical loopholes on the church front and the church towers

A probably better way, with possibly less architectural obstacles leads through N46° 02.711 E14° 30.035

VIII. točka
Rimsko naselbino je obkrožalo 2,5m široko obzidje, visoko pa od 6 do 8m. Stranici pravokotnika obzidja sta bili dolgi okoli 500m. Imelo je 4 glavne vhode in 26 obrambnih stolpov. Ostanki so vidni še danes, povsod prisotni Plečnik pa je tudi tu prispeval k današnjemu izgledu obzidja.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.8A E14° 30.CDB
A= število stopnic desne stranice piramide
B= število stebrov * 2
C= število celih stebrov
D= število belih črt na prehodu za pešce

The Roman settlement was surrounded by mighty wall 2,5m broad and 6-8m tall. The sides were long about 500m. It had 4 main gates and 26 defence towers. The ruins can still be seen today with some work of the ubiquitous Plečnik that contributed to the present day appearance of the wall.

Next coordinates N46° 02.8A E14° 30.CDB
A= the number of the steps on the rigt side of the pyramid
B= the number of columns * 2
C= the number of “entire” columns
D= the number of white stripes on the pedestrian crossing

IX. točka
Križanke so pomemben kulturni prostor kjer se vršijo razne prireditve in koncerti. Poleti je tu Mednarodni festival. Pred Križankami je od leta 1929 postavljen 13m visok Ilirski steber, v spomin na ustanovitev Ilirskih provinc s sedežem v Ljubljani leta 1809.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.AC E14° 30.DDB
A= število vseh stebričev okoli stebra
B= število vrstic teksta pod Napoleonovim obrazom
C= število vseh vrstic teksta na ostalih stranicah stebra * 2
D= število obrazov na stebru

The Križanke are an important cultural point where various shows and concerts are held. In summer there is the International festival. In front there is the 13m tall Ilirski steber (Illyrian pillar) erected in 1929 to mark the constitution of the Illyrian provinces in 1809 which had their capital in Ljubljana.

Next coordinates N46° 02.AC E14° 30.DDB
A= the number of small pillars around the main pillar
B= the number of text rows under Napoleons face
C= the number of text rows on all other sides of the pillar * 2
D= the number of human faces on the pillar

X. točka
NUK je največje Plečnikovo delo, dograjeno malo pred 2. svetovno vojno. Impozantna struktura iz domačih materialov – vrhniške opeke in podpeškega kamna ščiti prek 2 milijona knjig in drugih tiskanih izdaj.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 03.0(A-B) E14° 30.CDE
A= število okroglih ornamentov okrog vhodnih vrat
B= število črk v prvi besedi nad vhodom
C= število konj na vhodnih vratih, ki gleda na levo
D= število navpičnih kovinskih elementov, ki zamrežujejo desno okno pri vhodu
E= število trikotnikov na grbu nad vhodom

The NUK (The National and Academic Library) is the major work of the architect Plecnik, it was finished shortly before WWII. The mighty structure built from domestic materials – bricks from Vrhnika and stones from Podpeč protects more than 2 million books and other printed editions.

Next coordinates N46° 03.0(A-B) E14° 30.CDE
A= the number of round ornaments decorating the main entrance
B= the number of letters in the first word above the entrance
C= the number of horses facing left on the main door
D= the number of vertical metal bars on the window on the right of the entrance
E= the number of triangles in the crest above the main entrance

XI. tocka
Tukaj so stala severna vrata rimske naselbine. Kip Emonca so našli leta 1836 ob grajenju bližnje Kazine v klasicističnem slogu. Original je v Narodnem muzeju. Trg je dobil ime po kongresu svete alianse med Avstrijo, Prusijo in Rusijo leta 1821. Na njem je vidna dediščina različnih zgodovinskih obdobij npr. južna stran, ki se naslanja na srednjeveško obzidje in del rimskega obzidja, barok je prisoten z Uršulinsko cerkvijo. V samem parku je postavljen tudi spomenik – Ladijsko sidro v spomin na delno vrnitev Slovenskega primorja matici.

Naslednja točka je na koordinatah N46° 02.B0D E14° 30.CAD
A= število črk v prvi latinski besedi na tabli
B= število črk v drugi latinski besedi na tabli
C= število besed „Emona“ na vseh tablah
D= stoletje v katerem je nastala rimska naselbina

Gradbišče so odstranili, a žal nismo še imeli časa posodobiti te točke.
Med { } najdete točko na katero se nanaša rešitev. V "formuli" morate nato uporabiti vrednost iz tiste točke
A={VII. točka} (A-B)
B={III. točka} (A+B)
C={VII. točka} B
D={IV. točka} E

Here stand the north gate of the Roman settlement. The statue of the Emonian was discovered in 1836 when the nearby Kazina was built. The original is in the Narodni muzej. The square is named after the congress of the holy alliance between Austria, Prussia and Russia held in 1821. On the square the heritage of different historic periods can be found. The south side is based on the medieval wall and partly on the Roman wall. The baroque is present with the Uršulinska cerkev – Ursuline church. In the park there is a monument – Ladijsko sidro (Seaship anchor) in remembrance of the partial reunion of the Slovenian littoral.

Next coordinates N46° 02.B0D E14° 30.CAD
A= the number of letters in the first Latin word on the table
B= the number of letters in the second Latin word on the table
C= count the word „Emona“ on all tables
D= the century in which the Roman settlement was established.

The construction works are gone, but we had no time yet to make an alternative stage:
in the { } you will see the step to which the solution refers, after that you have to take the values from that step into the "formula"
A={VII. točka} (A-B)
B={III. točka} (A+B)
C={VII. točka} B
D={IV. točka} E

XII. točka
Zaklad je tu! Upamo, da ste se z nami zabavali.

Here is the treasure! We hope you had some fun with us.


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Cbtyrw i xnzavgb btenwb cev uvšv. Ybbx ng gur fgbar onyhfgenqr arne gur ubhfr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)