Vas Kocno Multi-Cache
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Kocno je cudovita majhna pohorska vasica sredi neokrnjene narave. Šteje približno 20 domacij s 85 prebivalci. Leži na vzhodni strani Pohorja na okoli 500 metrih nadmorske višine na južni strani reke Polskave. Prebivalci se ukvarjajo predvsem s kmetijstvom, najvec s poljedelstvom, z živinorejo, sadjarstvom in vinogradništvom. Vas je idilicno urejena in je pravi etnološki muzej na prostem. Po vasi je razstavljeno staro kmecko orodje, stroji in pripomocki, ki so jih nekdaj uporabljali na kmetijah v Kocnem in okolici.
Kocno is a wonderful small village, surrounded by unspoiled nature. It counts about 20 homes with 85 inhabitants. It's located on the eastern side of Pohorje mountain at some 500 meters altitude and on the south side of the Polskava river. The villagers are mostly occupied with farming, primarily agriculture, growing cattle, fruits and wine. The village is nicely arranged and is real open-air ethnological museum. Old farming machines, tools and gadgets that were used in old times on farms in Kocno and surroundings, are put on display all around the village.
1. tocka/stage
N 46°25.829
E 15°36.243
A=število crk v imenu gostilne/The number of letters in the name of therestaurant.
2. tocka/stage
N 46°26.267
E 15°35.457
B= nadmorska višina vasi/height above sea level of the village
3. tocka/stage
N 46°26.382
E 15°35.356
C=letnica izdelave šivalnega stroja/The year of production of the sewing machine.
D=letnica izdelave petrolejke/The year of production of the oil lamp.
4. tocka/stage
N 46°26.339
E 15°35.271
E=število crk proizvajalca mlina za krmo/The number of letters in the name of the fodder mill manufacturer.
5. tocka/stage
N 46°26.625
E 15°34.279
Cudovit razgled/place with a fine view.
F= leto proizvodnje(198F)/The year of production(198F)
6. Pozicija škatle/cache location:
N 46°26.(A+1)((D-C)/2+3)(E)
E 15°35.(F-B*4-55) (A-3)(E+1)
Additional Hints
cbq šgbebz /haqre fghzc