Hrad Lubovna Traditional Cache
Size: (small)
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Na severnom Spiši nad údolím rieky Poprad sa od roku 1307 týci hrad Lubovna s bohatou históriou i zaujímavou architektúrou. Medzi hradmi na Slovensku mu prináleží unikátne miesto. I ked pôvodne slúžil ako strážca severnej hranice Uhorska, pocas 360 rokov bol sídlom správcov zálohovaného územia casti Spiša Polsku. Najväcšmi sa preslávil pocetnými královskými návštevami a šest rokov tu boli uschované i polské korunovacné klenoty. Výraznými prestavbami v 16. a 17.storocí sa zmenil na velkú renesancnú pevnost.
Prekrásna aleja v podhradí a blízky skanzen s hodnotným dreveným kostolom iba dotvárajú osobitnú atmosféru hradu Lubovna.
Pre deti bude zaujímavá návšteva historického vojenského tábora pod hradom Lubovna
Viac informácií nájdete tu a tu.
Keška je na súradniciach za hradom a skanzenom.
Lubovna Castle
On the north of Spis Lubovna castle with its rich history and interesting architecture towers above the valley of the Poprad river since 1307. It is one of the most unique castles in Slovakia. Although it had originally guarded the northern Hungarian border, it was for 360 years the seat of power of the custodians of the Spis areas that were temporarily given to Poland as a guarantee. It became famous for its numerous visits by the King. The Polish coronating jewellery was also hidden there fore six years. The outstanding restoration in XVIth and XVIIth centuries changed the castle into the huge Renaissance fortress.
The splendid alley at the foot of the castle and the nearby open-air museum with its unique wooden church only reinforce the peculiar atmosphere of Lubovna castle.
Children will be interested in visit of historical military camp under Lubovna castle.
More information are here and here.
The cache is on coordinates behind castle and open-air museum.
Additional Hints
iynib bq pubqavxn bq uenqh i xberabpu fgebzh / ba gur yrsg bs gur cngu sebz gur pnfgyr va gur ebbgf bs n gerr