Meandmydogs 2000 Mystery Cache
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The cache is not at the posted coordinates. Those coordinates are 'Ground Zero' for Rochester, NH, the town in which the cache is hidden. The fairy tale below will provide you with the actual cache coordinates.
Once upon a time, Meandmydogs (MAMD) came home from work to find papers covered with arcane equations scattered about her apartment floor. Searching for the source of this mathematical mess, she soon found Spikester1 (S1) happily scribbling away at his desk. The conversation that ensued went something as follows:
MAMD: What is going on here?
S1: I've re-derived the 'Stoppen von Floppen' equations from first principles. I've extended them to make them consistent with Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics!
S1: The theory now encompasses many new phenomena. Further, I have derived a new and more elegant formula expressing the basic relationships of the theory!
At this point, the Proud Pug Physicist displayed his new equation:
2NW - 111.278N - 33.246W + 1849.7742 = 0
S1: Do you know what this means? Can you comprehend the implications of this equation?
MAMD: No. Why don't you tell me?
S1: Well, if I do say so myself, this is a rather unique and revolutionary discovery. It tells me that with 200 porcupines fed a strict diet of raisin bran, and forced to walk on stationary treadmills, I could produce sufficient energy to supply the entire state of New Hampshire with electric power. The implications of this new power source are astounding!
MAMD: Except that porcupines are violently allergic to raisins! Failure is hardly 'unique' or 'revolutionary' in the world of Physics. Now, will you please clean up this mess?
Moral of the Story: “The great tragedy of science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.” Thomas Henry Huxley
Additional Hints
Chmmyr: Jung qb gerrf naq cbylabzvnyf unir va pbzzba?
Pnpur: Oruvaq n fznyy ebpx.