Daily Omelet Mystery Cache
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Cache is not at the listed coordinates.
This cache is located at
N 47° 3 C . (B+C) (B-A) (D-1)
W 094° 5(B-5) . (D-C) (A-C) (A+C)
From an old Grade School riddle use the following sentence to solve for A B C and D.
If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half……..
A= How many eggs will two hens lay in three days.
B= How many hens do you need to get twenty eggs in six days
C= How many days will it take four hens to lay eight eggs.
D= How many eggs will three hens lay in three days.
This cache is on private property. Cachers have permission to enter to retrieve cache. Please note that there is very little public property in the area and the cache is only about twenty-five feet from the road. If your gps wants you to wander around in a backyard, you have not solved this correctly.
Additional Hints
abg lrg